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- Today's Topics:
- Amateur Radio on PBS (2 msgs)
- Help Buying Short Wave Radio
- IC-32AT Expanded xmit range??
- Sommer antennas - info wanted
- TexNet inquiry
- W1AW- Computer-generated QR
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: 29 Dec 89 19:55:39 GMT
- From: kchen@apple.com (Kok Chen)
- Subject: Amateur Radio on PBS
- Message-ID: <37513@apple.Apple.COM>
- Saw this posted on the bulletin board of a local ham store: An ARRL-
- produced program, "The New World of Amateur Radio," will be airing on
- PBS the week of Jan 7. Locally, in the S.F. Bay Area, it will be on
- at 7:30 on Jan. 7, on KQED. Hope this was not last year's notice :-).
- Anyone know for sure?
- Kok Chen kchen@apple.COM
- Apple Computer, Inc.
- ------------------------------
- Date: 29 Dec 89 21:21:01 GMT
- From: zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!mips!wyse!stevew@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (Steve Wilson xttemp dept303)
- Subject: Amateur Radio on PBS
- Message-ID: <2568@wyse.wyse.com>
- In article <37513@apple.Apple.COM> kchen@Apple.COM (Kok Chen) writes:
- > An ARRL-
- >produced program, "The New World of Amateur Radio," will be airing on
- >PBS the week of Jan 7. Locally, in the S.F. Bay Area, it will be on
- >at 7:30 on Jan. 7, on KQED. Hope this was not last year's notice :-).
- >Anyone know for sure?
- >
- >Kok Chen kchen@apple.COM
- >Apple Computer, Inc.
- This is current information. Randy, KK6BO, who is the Public Information
- Officer for the ARRL Santa Clara Valley section has been touting the
- showing for a couple of weeks locally. Its also going to be shown on KQEC
- at a different time but I don't recall when that is...anyone else have
- a better memory than myself?
- 73's de Steve KA6S
- ------------------------------
- Date: 30 Dec 89 01:38:51 GMT
- From: cs.utexas.edu!uwm.edu!ux1.cso.uiuc.edu!ux1.cso.uiuc.edu!phil@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu
- Message-ID: <30500340@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu>
- > subband). If not the full subbands then at least half. This leaves the
- > Extra class segments for CW and attended Digital -- This should leave a
- > good "incentive" for CW users to upgrade to Extra.
- How about a new license class for CW gurus: CODE MASTER class, where one
- only needs the general theory, but passes 30 WPM to get access to the Extra
- portion of the CW band (but not any other Extra privs and not the calls).
- Ya know... the expanding packet radio usage is impacting existing CW usage
- more than it is impacting voice. The sharing of CW and RTTY/digital is not
- necessarily so good an idea.
- Maybe we should have specific subbands for certain traditional modes, and
- open the rest of each band for bandwidth limitations only.
- > Also this same rulemaking should be the place where we change the
- > transmission SPEED rules to BANDWIDTH rules.
- >
- > Perhaps we create higher bandwidth subbands in some of the Automatic
- > Digital subbands.
- How about some spread spectrum, too? Seriously!
- But this will complicate the rules on bandwidth limitations. What measures
- exist for efficiency of SS emissions?
- --Phil Howard, KA9WGN--
- <phil@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu>
- ------------------------------
- Date: 29 Dec 89 20:22:41 GMT
- From: lenti!leland@UMN-CS.CS.UMN.EDU (Dana Defosse)
- Subject: Help Buying Short Wave Radio
- Message-ID: <17945@umn-cs.CS.UMN.EDU>
- I am interested in finding a radio to listen to foreign short wave
- broadcasts. I have, as yet, little experience in costs and availability
- of radios. Can anyone E-mail me advice on sources of used and fairly
- inexpensive equipment that will allow me to get started.
- Dana Defosse leland@lenti.med.umn.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 29 Dec 89 11:52:58 -0800
- From: Doug Faunt N6TQS 415-688-8269 <faunt@cisco.com>
- Subject: IC-32AT Expanded xmit range??
- 1. Remove battery and antenna.
- 2. Loosen two screws on top of unit as much as possible without removing them.
- 3. Loosen 4 flat head screws on bottom of unit 1 turn.
- 4. Loosen 2 screws near PTT switch 1 turn.
- 5. Remove 4 black screws on back of unit.
- 6. Lift bottom of front cover .25 inch, slide it down .25 inch, then lift
- front cover up 1 inch.
- 7. Disconnect plug on 4 wires coming from the speaker.
- << THe flex cable can be disconnected from the main board by gently
- pulling up on the ears of the connector for that cable on the main board>>
- 8. Lay front panel on table up-side down being careful of the flex circuit.
- 9. All mods are done to the back of the front panel. Notice places for 5
- axial diodes, which I will call 1 through 5, 1 being nearest the display.
- <<These are on the right hand side of the back of the front panel>>
- Add/remove diodes so there are diodes in positions 3 and 5. This will
- open up receive coverage for VHF & UHF and enable keyboard entry of the
- 10 MHz digit.
- << I seemed to have the same coverage with and without diode #3 installed>>
- When you go out of the range the radio will receive a U appears in
- place of the memory channel number. It means the PLL circuit has
- lost lock and the radio will not work.
- 10. Notice 4 surface mount resistors slightly left of center directly
- above the speaker, lined up in a row. Solder the anode (the side
- without the bar) of two diodes to the right side of the lower of
- the four resistors.
- <<I followed the trace to an small unused pad to the right, and used
- that as a connection point. The rightmost pad of the 5 diode pad set
- on the lower right of the CPU board is also connected to that trace.>>
- Now find the CPU. It's the PGA under the shield near the top of
- the board. Find the row of pins on the CPU nearest the speaker.
- Notice the the 8th pin from the right has a thicker trace coming
- from it. Now notice that there are small solder pads about .25
- inch toward the speaker on both the fat trace and the two traces
- to the right of it. Solder one each of the cathodes of the 2
- diodes to the solder pads on the two smaller traces.
- This will open up the transmit for VHF & UHF.
- << Oh yes, note that memory channels clear when you do these. And the
- <<right diode opens xmit on VHF, the left on UHF. You should probably
- <<do a microprocessor reset when you power back up. >>
- 11. Put unit back together in reverse order.
- This procedure worked for my unit, but I can't guarantee it will work
- for yours.
- <<After the diode is installed in position #5, this will work>>
- Last but not least to enable cross band repeating first choose a pair of
- frequencies with the two vfo's for VHF and UHF.Then press and hold function
- key while pressing with the other hand the following "C" "6" "D". The radio
- will start scanning the two frequencies continiously, if a station is heard
- in one of the two it will retransmitted from the other! The two frequencies
- must be simplex, no cross band repeaters yet sorry!
- WR0Y, SV1IW, N1BIP, NV7F, and N7HMF all contributed to this.
- ------------------------------
- Date: 28 Dec 89 17:45:09 GMT
- From: ucsdhub!hp-sdd!hp-pcd!hplsla!hpubvwa!johnh@ucsd.edu (John Hays)
- Subject: Sommer antennas - info wanted
- Message-ID: <2880001@hpubvwa.NSR.HP.COM>
- The new request for rulemaking by the ARRL to allow AUTOMATIC CONTROL of
- HF Digital Communications is a proposal much needed. HOWEVER, I am
- concerned that the "CW Good Ol' Boys" have influenced it improperly in
- one regard; The proposed sub-bands are far to small. 10Khz. on the more
- popular bands is just inviting an unusable system as demand for HF
- digital relay requirements increase. I think we should open the entire
- General/Advanced CW sub-bands to Automatic Digital and Half of the 10M
- Novice subband (Maybe we require Tech or Above license in the novice
- subband). If not the full subbands then at least half. This leaves the
- Extra class segments for CW and attended Digital -- This should leave a
- good "incentive" for CW users to upgrade to Extra.
- Also this same rulemaking should be the place where we change the
- transmission SPEED rules to BANDWIDTH rules.
- Perhaps we create higher bandwidth subbands in some of the Automatic
- Digital subbands.
- Comments? (Send them to the FCC as well)
- John D. Hays, KD7UW
- hays@kd7uw.ampr.org [] AMPRNET
- hays@apollo.hp.com INTERNET
- hplabs!hpfcse!hpuslua!hays UUCP
- 72725,424 CI$
- HAYS GEnie
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 29 Dec 89 16:48:34 CST
- From: rlwest@flopn2.csc.ti.com (Bob West, WA8YCD)
- Subject: TexNet inquiry
- Message-ID: <8912292302.AA14852@ti.com>
- To: batesm@mist.CS.ORST.EDU
- Subj: RE: TCP/IP Node / TeXNet
- > From: TILDE::"batesm@mist.CS.ORST.EDU" "Mike Bates" 22-DEC-1989 20:35:35.22
- > To: info-hams-incoming
- > Subj: TCP/IP Node / TeXNet
- >
- >
- > What is TeXNet and where can I get information on it?
- >
- > 73's de Mike Bates, KF7DQ @ WA7ARI
- > batesm@mist.cs.orst.edu
- Mike,
- Texas Packet Radio Society, Inc.
- P. O. Box 50238
- Denton, Texas 76206-0238
- ATTN: Greg Jones, WD5IVD
- greg@ntvax.unt.edu
- TexNet is an interconnection alternative. It provides (at least in the
- implementation here in the Dallas area) multi-user connects, Message Service,
- conference bridges, trunking to other cities, and a National Weather Service
- database.
- Drop Greg a note or Email, he can get you detailed information.
- 73,
- Bob West WA8YCD
- ------------------------------
- Date: 29 Dec 89 17:21:33 GMT
- From: sun-barr!newstop!texsun!texbell!uudell!natinst!rpp386!puzzle!khijol!erc@apple.com (Edwin R. Carp)
- Subject: W1AW- Computer-generated QR
- Message-ID: <845@khijol.UUCP>
- In article <8912290143.AA18720@esl.ESL.COM> David_Waters.M1@smtp.ESL.COM (David Waters) writes:
- >
- >Why should I subscribe to their formal operations guides, if the ultimate 'big
- >gun' transmitters are operated in such an impolite manner? They have an operator
- >there, that's why they are there. Otherwise, just let a computer bang the signal
- >out over any unlucky person. Really, if they expect credibility, then their
- >operating manners should be impeccable. "It's always been that way" or "it's
- >hard to do" are not valid excuses.
- Why not? There are folks out there who insist on having their net/QSO on
- THEIR frequency, no matter what. If someone else is in their, tough. Just
- QRO and pretend you can't hear them.
- Not everyone's like that, fortunately. FOWO (From One Who Knows) - I run
- 25W on 10m mobile.
- --------------------------- discard all after this line -----------------------
- Ed Carp N7EKG/5 (28.3-28.5) ...!attctc!puzzle!khijol!erc (home) (512) 832-5884
- Snail Mail: 2000 Cedar Bend Dr., #335, Austin, TX 78758
- [Disclaimer: The information contained in this message is soley for informa-
- tional purposes only. Use at your own risk. No warranty expressed or
- implied.]
- Score:
- Noreiga: 1 USA: 0
- "Good tea. Nice house." -- Worf
- ------------------------------
- End of INFO-HAMS Digest V89 Issue #1070
- ***************************************